Day 3 - Articles
One barrier to learning I’ve thought a lot about is the issue of assumed knowledge. That is, the teacher (be it a lecturer lecturing a large group or a book, online course, or video) will assume the learner possesses some prerequisite piece of knowledge. A lecturer teaching a university level maths course might assume that every student has knowledge of high school level calculus. This is necessary for the sake of saving time - no need to re-explain all the rules again - but will leave behind some students who have been out of high school for long enough to forget the details.
As a learner, the key is identifying the assumed knowledge and catching up on it as appropriate. In the context of myself learning to listen, speak, read, and write Swedish, this means, as I encounter and learn a grammatical concept in Swedish, I have to explain it in English and give some exapmles before explaining it in Swedish.
An article is a word that appears near a noun to identify the specificity of that noun. * The definite article in english is the world ‘the’, andrefers to a specific item of a class. E.g. The cup I am holding * The indefinite article is the word ‘a’ or ‘an’ (depending on context). E.g. A Beer from the bar.
The wikipedia page on articles goes into a lot more detail
In Swedish, the indefinite article for nouns is the ‘en’ or ‘ett’ that is prefixed before the word (e.g. ‘en ost’ - a cheese, or ‘ett glas’ - a glass). The definite article is formed by suffixing the word with ‘en’ or ‘et’. For example: ‘Osten’ - the cheese, or ‘glaset’ - the glass.
Progress update
- Completed Phrases and Food duolingo modules
- Still no twitter. The numbers just aren’t coming through clearly and I think I’ve tried everything it could be. Might get help from a Swede on this one on Monday.
- described definite vs indefinite articles
Swedish numbers
- 0 - noll
- 1 - ett
- 2 - två
- 3 - tre
- 4 - frya
- 5 - fem
- 6 - sex
- 7 - sju
- 8 - åtta
- 9 - nio
These were taken from the learning Swedish site. This page also has recordings of what each number sounds like.
- bröd - bread
- en apelsin - an oragne
- middag - dinner
- fisk - fish
- kyckling - chicken
- en frukost - breakfast
- en ost - a cheese
- en jordgubbe - a strawberry
- en öl - a beer
- en soppa - a soup
- måltid - meal
- kött - meat
- fläskött - pork
- ett glas - a glass
- en kopp - a cup
- can be used like ‘en kopp kaffe’
- en tallrik - a plate
- gaffel - fork
- sked - spoon